What Girls Want

First and foremost, girls want to have fun. We want to be able to go to parties in our shortest and skimpiest dresses or in our flowing dresses without being called whorish or prudish. We want to eat to our hearts content. We definitely want a lot of money (and should be willing to work for it ). We want to be able to have a drink without worrying if someone might have drugged our drink while we went to use the restroom. We want to be able to leave parties late at night without needing to have male friends escort us back home. We don’t want to have to say ‘I have a boyfriend,’ before that boy finally releases his grip. Isn’t it ridiculous that that boy respects somebody else who he is not even a hundred percent sure exists and not someone who is standing right in front of him and clearly looks and sounds uncomfortable? For goodness’ sake, girls want to be comfortable in their own skin. We do not care if you prefer us with or without our makeup on. We do not want to feel like we ...