"Why am I Crying and is it Really Okay for Women to Cry?"
Image by Elsa Gore Last Semester was Something... Last semester was undeniably my most difficult one in almost every aspect one could think of. The summer before was not very rest-filled and I started the semester already feeling burnt out. To top that off, one of my courses required me to turn in work every time class met (thrice a week) and I was so overwhelmed that I stopped turning in work altogether for about two weeks. The professor posted grades for the first few weeks of school and when I opened the email at midnight, I began to cry. Of course not turning in any work meant an "F" but actually seeing the letter grade by name made me cry from the pit of my stomach. I was ashamed, scared of failure, and tired. But still, as I quivered in my bed, the question at the back of my mind was "Why am I crying?"