Feminist Farce


Angry Feminist: Ahhh! the type that we think we see too often. Mistake number one:Not everyone who is angry is a feminist. 'So what is the distinction?' you ask. Feminists are not misandrists (Men-haters). 
As a true feminist, one is angry at the negative effects that our ever present patriarchy has on all the sexes. Feminism is not here to point fingers at any particular sex and blame it for all the troubles brought upon the world but it is here to give people a choice to shave or not, to wear make up or not,to be a stay-home dad or not, to be a career woman or not and still feel like they can breathe in society. It is not here to dictate to anybody but to advocate that unnecessary barriers brought upon people's lives because of their gender and sex should be done away with.One of such great barriers includes the imposition of gender roles which can get pretty claustrophobic for non-conforming people. So if you are an angry feminist, that is wonderful, just make sure you are angry at the right things.

    Use the Word!
 After many arguments, a couple of speeches here and there, I usually end up being asked a lot of questions. One particularly reoccurring question is: 'Why the word feminism and not humanism.' It baffles me when the same question is not raised in the school chapel or during CRK classes where the whole of the human race is usually referred to as 'man' or 'mankind' in important texts like the bible.We understand that 'man' refers to all so why can't the same go for 'Feminism?' It is a question only your conscience can answer. If the point is understood that the genesis of the Feminist Movement stemmed from the marginalization of women, why is it so hard to accept and use the name? Yes, not everybody gives a great picture of what feminism is about but that is a common thing when many people share a common ideology. Are all Muslims like the Boko Haram, ISIS,The Taliban? Are all Christians like the KKK? No.I'm sure you can tell the difference,hence I rest my case.The people that will insult you for using the word already insult you for being a 'pussy' and for having 'Christian mother arms.' You might as well carry on and brush off all the insults.

    Equality VS. Equity: The most thought-provoking question I've ever ever been asked while talking about feminism is:'Is it not better to say gender equity than to say gender equality?' The question has been on my mind since the seventeenth day of March of the year 2020 A.D. Now let me explain the difference between these two words. Imagine this. There are four people seated around a dining table ready to gulp down loaves of bread. There are two boys aged seventeen and fifteen and then there are two girls aged twelve and ten.They are made to share the bread equally with each having five loaves only. The two girls are satisfied but the boys are not. On another table there are also four children (all the same age as the members of the first table). They are made to share the slices equitably, with the boys getting ten loaves and the girls getting six loaves. Everyone is happy and content on table number two. So from this scenario we can see that equal does not always mean fair. However, after much thought, I still settled for the term 'gender equality' because I realized that in the situation of gender inequality we are referring to abstract aspects of everyday living such as social, political and economic spheres.To advocate for gender equality is not like sharing slices of bread. Rather it is to demand that all sexes are placed on the same level playing field and every barrier against their full liberation be put down for good. This does not mean all sexes are the same in appearance or expression. Thankfully, feminism encourages us to embrace equality even in the face of 'unsameness.'

    Yes, We Still Need Feminism!Until the question changes from 'Why did she remain in the abusive relationship in the first place?' to 'Why did he abuse her in the first place? We still need feminism. Until the question changes from 'Why was she wearing such a dress at night?' to 'Why would he even touch her?' We still need feminism. Until we have more women in positions of power; We still need feminism. Until people are no longer denied from accessing education on the basis of their sex; Until there is no such thing as child marriage;Until more respect is accorded to the occupation of care-giving;Until there is no more gender-based violence; Until there are no longer gaps in the wages paid to employees of the same job; Until the practice of Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) is stamped out; Until people are no longer choked by gender roles;Until women can walk on the road at anytime without paranoia;Until the negativity of the patriarchy is wiped away;WE STILL NEED FEMINISM. As 'Les Femmes Libres,' we cannot afford to remain stuck in our comfort zones.


  1. You have a point T. Hurtful and often wrong generalisations and stereotypes plague many progressive movements, and it's left to people like you who understand the very nature and intrinsic value of feminism to set an example for others who have warped views to learn from. I look forward to hearing you give this talk to a larger audience.

  2. You continue to shed light and speak with depth about what you believe in and that is truly outstanding.

  3. Idek what to say anymore! It's like we are identical twins from different mothers because we think alike. Anytime I want to comment, I am short of words because you have already captured my thoughts so well. I sometimes get so much backlash whenever I say I am a feminist. The backlash sometimes is so much that I even begin to question if I am doing something wrong by being a feminist. Some people recoil when I say I am one as if they've just met a leper. lol. There are so many stereotypes and so many 'why are you a feminist' like questions. I loved this piece because you have given us 'reasons' why this fight against inequality would go on till there is radical change. Ride on T.

  4. This was the first post I read, and when I got to that equity and equality part, I was mind-blown. It really should not be equity because everyone deserves to be on the same level. There shouldn't be certain things available to some genders, and others to the rest. Everyone deserves a level-playing field, especially in social, political and economic spheres where they are most needed. I hope this goes far, and everyone learns this. Great work, T!

    1. I continue to be inspired by you all. Much love!

  5. Tolu. I really love this. Like you cannot even imagine. I can already picture you as a woman in power in the nearest future. We will get to where we want to be by God's grace🙏

    1. Amen to that. We shall see each other there.We push.

  6. Wow this is mind blowing, saw your comments on The Female Lead! And same ASAP. Well I told someone I'm a feminist and he was shocked, saying I should never be a feminist
    But tis write up have given me more hope and clearly, this is what Feminism is all about; Human rights and Women rights.
    I will continue to be a feminist who understands the mov not a man hater as some bad eggs portray

    1. I'm glad you that you continue to keep your resolve. Much Love


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